Fotografie přírody Nature Photography Zdeněk Hanč

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Home > Vrubozobí (Anseriformes) - Ducks, Geese, Swans
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Netta rufina
Netta rufina CZ: Zrzohlávka rudozobá UK: Red-crested Pochard DK: Rødhovedet FI: Punapäänarsku FR: Nette rousse NL: Krooneend IT: Fistione turco HU: Üstökös réce DE: Kolbenente PL: Hełmiatka SK: Hrdzavka potápavá ES: Pato Colorado SE: Rödhuvad dykand CN: 赤嘴潛鴨 RU: Красноносый нырок JP: アカハシハジロ KR: 붉은부리흰죽지 GR: Φερεντίνι PT: Pato-de-bico-vermelho UO: Червонодзьоба чернь TR: Macar ördeği HE: נטה
Netta_rufina_7432a.JPG Netta_rufina_7432a.JPG Netta_rufina_0459.JPG Netta_rufina_0459.JPG Netta_rufina_0461.JPG Netta_rufina_0461.JPG Netta_rufina_5451.JPG Netta_rufina_5451.JPG Netta_rufina_5450.JPG Netta_rufina_5450.JPG Netta_rufina_5428.JPG Netta_rufina_5428.JPG
File information
Album name:administrator / Vrubozobí (Anseriformes) - Ducks, Geese, Swans
File Size:92 KB
Date added:Dec 29, 2010
Dimensions:750 x 499 pixels
Displayed:229 times
DateTime digitized:2010:12:04 12:50:22
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