Fotografie přírody Nature Photography Zdeněk Hanč

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> Dravci a sovy (Falconiformes, Strigiformes) - Birds of Prey and Owls
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Asio otus
Asio otus CZ: kalous ušatý, UK: Long-eared Owl DE: Waldohreule FR: Hibou moyen-duc ES: Búho Chico DA: Skovhornugle DU: Ransuil FI: Sarvipöllö PL: Sowa uszata NO: Hornugle SE: Hornuggla IT: Gufo comune TR: Kulakli Orman Baykuşu HU: Erdei fülesbagoly PT: Bufo-Pequeno SK: Myšiarka ušatá EE: Korvukräts LV: Ausaina puce Mussol banyut Hontza ertain
Asio_flamneus_6615.jpg Asio_flamneus_6615.jpg Asio_otus_6577.jpg Asio_otus_6577.jpg Asio_otus_2365.JPG Asio_otus_2365.JPG Asio_otus_2364.JPG Asio_otus_2364.JPG Asio_otus_2366.JPG Asio_otus_2366.JPG Bubo_bubo_6629.jpg Bubo_bubo_6629.jpg
파일 정보
앨범명:administrator / Dravci a sovy (Falconiformes, Strigiformes) - Birds of Prey and Owls
파일 크기:104 KB
입력 날자:5월 25, 2012
디멘죤:750 x 500 화소
조회수:425 회
DateTime digitized:2012:04:27 08:21:29
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