Fotografie přírody Nature Photography Zdeněk Hanč

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Home > Pěvci (Passeriformes) - Passerines
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Emberiza citrinella
Emberiza citrinella CZ: strnad obecný UK: Yellowhammer DE: Goldammer FR: Bruant jaune ES: Escribano Cerillo DK: Gulspurv NL: Geelgors FI: Kelt IT: Zigolo giallo NO: Gulspurv SE: Gulsparv RU: Обыкновенная овсянка AR: الدرسة الصفراء GR: Χρυσοτσίχλονο PT: Escrevedeira-amarela UO: Звичайна вівсянка TR: Sarı kirazkuşu HE: גבתון צהוב PL: trznadel zwyczajny HR: Strnadica žutovoljka GE: რუხი გულწითელა SK: strnádka žltá HU: citromsármány
Coenagrion_hastulatum_9783.JPG Coenagrion_hastulatum_9783.JPG Convallaria_majalis_2196.JPG Convallaria_majalis_2196.JPG Cygnus_cygnus_2054.JPG Cygnus_cygnus_2054.JPG Emberiza_citrinella_0591.JPG Emberiza_citrinella_0591.JPG Chalupska_slat_3296.JPG Chalupska_slat_3296.JPG Lochmaea_capreae_7694.JPG Lochmaea_capreae_7694.JPG
File information
Album name:administrator / Pěvci (Passeriformes) - Passerines
File Size:86 KB
Date added:Oct 22, 2010
Dimensions:750 x 499 pixels
Displayed:203 times
DateTime digitized:2010:07:01 08:08:23
Favorites:Add to Favorites