Fotografie přírody Nature Photography Zdeněk Hanč

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Home > Ostatní hmyz (Insecta) - Other Insecets
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Sphingonotus caerulans
saranče Sphingonotus caerulans UK: Blue Sand-Grasshopper Blue-winged Grasshopper DK: Blåvinget steppegræshoppe FR: Oedipode aigue-marine DE: Blauflüglige Sandschrecke NL: Kiezelsprinkhaan LT: Kopinis Tarkšlys FI: Sinisiipisirkka BE: Œdipode aigue-marine NO: Blåvinget gresshoppe RU: Пустынница голубокрылая SK: Koník belasokrídly SE: Blåvingad gräshoppa
Somatochlora_arctica_0355.JPG Somatochlora_arctica_0355.JPG Somatochlora_arctica_0377.JPG Somatochlora_arctica_0377.JPG Soutok_Tvrdonicko_0981.jpg Soutok_Tvrdonicko_0981.jpg Sphingonotus_caerulans_3540.JPG Sphingonotus_caerulans_3540.JPG Stachys_iva_8828.JPG Stachys_iva_8828.JPG Stara_reka_9088.JPG Stara_reka_9088.JPG
File information
Album name:administrator / Ostatní hmyz (Insecta) - Other Insecets
Keywords:Orthoptera CHKO_Pálava
File Size:100 KB
Date added:Oct 27, 2010
Dimensions:750 x 499 pixels
Displayed:203 times
DateTime digitized:2010:09:10 11:02:38
Favorites:Add to Favorites